Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sunday Movies

No I haven't fallen off the face of the earth, it has been mid-term week at college and I have been studying and stressing. But now that's over for a while so back to blogging! Here are the movies I watched, though to be honest one of them I more or listen too, so the review is from the perspective of my guys.

The first movie is The Boondock Saints. This is the movie I listen to and didn't actually watch. The boys (two of them plus dad – the older boys) loved this movie so much I was asked to get online immediately after it was over and reserve the sequel. I’m not sure what the appeal to this movie is accept it is a comedy not a drama. It has guns, murder, bumbling assassins, thick accents and the most important and funny scene seems to be the accidental shooting of the cat. Now I thought perhaps it was just my men who were twisted but when I brought this movie up on campus you would have thought (for the men) that I was talking about the Playboy channel. The guys on campus love this movie and most own it. They watch it all the time and even have the bonus material cd. Not sure what that says about the mentality of our college students but you might give this one a try, if the subject matter appeals to you.

Next we have what I think was suppose to be an epic movie. I however felt that 2012 was boring and unbelievable. The special effects are wonderful but the acting not so much. For me it loses some of its punch when we are introduced to Woody Harrelson’s character that is so whacked out and over the top, it becomes very awkward. From there it just seems to get corny and more unbelievable. I would much rather you watch The Day After Tomorrow then this movie.

Up in the Air – uh….this one has me stumped, I liked it but it was such a different experience that it is taking me a while to process. The scenes are short and quick, camera changes, scene, dialogue all take place in mini groups. The main idea of the movie is completely relevant for today economy and the acting is great. I don’t think I would watch it again but only because it is a film worth thinking about, not merely entertainment. So I guess yes I would recommend this one, there is brief nudity and some swearing but overall this is a class act movie – you’ll just have to figure out why on your own, I think it will be different for everyone.


  1. Scratch the first to... will check out the last... thanks!

  2. saw up in the air at redbox today...will definitely check it out...

    welcome back. smiles.

  3. Welcome back. I haven't seen any of them, I am rubbish at movie watching, I always think of a million and one things I want to do at the same time!
