Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Post It Tuesday's

I seriously need to get some mental juice - seems like I'm running on empty these days!


  1. then can she come clean my house?

    (terror, my 3yr old son headbutted)

  2. having the crud and no TP...not a good thing...yell for the maid!

  3. My daughter got her cell phone at 8. It's mainly for our convenience and not for hers.

  4. My kids got cell phones at relatively early ages but at that time it was 100% for MY benefit. Their usage of it was very limited but I wanted to be able to reach them when I needed to.
    I so want a maid!

  5. If I could have a maid who just did laundry and washed dishes, I'd be one happy mommy.

    Our kids got cell phones in middle school, that was when they got very involved in afterschool clubs and sports. It was more a way for us to keep contact with them, than them being able to call friends.
